Sunday, April 24, 2011


Is homework helpful or just a waste of time? It's a pretty debatable topic, a lot of teachers may say it's a necessary element of the education system while some lazy students will whine and complain about how useless it is. As a student myself I do usually attempt to do all the required work assigned by my teachers and I rarely find them as of any help when it comes to improving my knowledge of a subject/lesson.

Unless it's a required reading in a historical text book, homework does not help teach students about the subject much. Geometry for example, some kids can't grasp the concept of things as fast as other so if the student didn't get it the first time in the classroom how will homework help kids get it outside the classroom? I mean if you get it wrong the first time you're most likely going to get it wrong on your homework and that just reinforces incorrect knowledge. It's the teachers job to teach the students, not a sheet of paper with a bunch of questions on it.

Sometimes if the student doesn't get the assignment it can even hurt their grade which is unfair. Homework is basically required additional practice, if you do it wrong in the class room you're going to practice it wrong outside of the classroom. Also with the block scheduling we have to deal with some teachers give out way too much at once just because the classroom hours is equivalent to two separate days. Literally I've spent up to 4am in the morning to do homework last semester.
Homework may get the student to think but it doesn't really teach the kid. If homework is given it should just be an option for kids to have additional practice or to finish up unfinished assigned class work.

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